Sunday, September 6, 2009


Last Thursday was "back to school" night at our elementary school. We walked over as a family and had fun seeing old friends, catching up about our summers, checking out our new (or not) classrooms and meeting teachers!

Cole's 1st grade class from last year all looped up to 2nd grade together. He's got the same teacher and almost all the same students. Mr. Porter is great for Cole...very structured and strict, but fun at the same time. He noticed right away that Cole lost his 2 front teeth! Here they are together...
Cole got to choose where he wants to sit (albeit only for the first week), so he chose to sit by his good friend Joseph. I can guarantee you that this seating arrangement will not last long. Like past the first week. HA!

Since Cole is a Cub Scout now, he had to wear his uniform and he and Dad "worked" at the Scout table handing out flyers. Here he is with his pack leader (or at least I think thats what they're called..I can't keep it straight)...

As for Gracie, she is entering 1st grade this year! She was placed in a 1st/2nd grade combo class. I think this will be great for her because she is so independent and totally into learning. I'm hoping she will be really challenged. Even though she missed a month of Kindergarten last year, she had a perfect report card at the end of the year. (no bragging here) Her teacher is Mrs. Ball....
She also got to pick where she wants to sit. She was very excited to see that her friend Mason from last year is also in this class! Gracie chose to sit with him...

So, in just 2 short days we will be off to school! I'm sad and excited. I'm thrilled that they will be at the same school and can walk from our front door to the school yard in less than a minute. Talk about making things easy! Cole has already taken on the responsiblity of showing his sister his "stomping grounds" and looking out for her.

We also start soccer practice this week, with Cole's first game being on Saturday. Gracie starts dance next week, and Cole starts official Scout meetings next week as well. And I thought I was busy now!

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