Friday, March 27, 2009


Whew!! What a week its been! We had commitments every single night! This will serve as my weekly catch up of all our exciting happenings. Let's see...where to start...

Oh yes...conferences!! I actually really look forward to these. Both kids are doing really well academically...Gracie in particular. She received "exceeding expectations" in every category. She is so "into" school!! She's reading at a "mid-1st grade" level. The only area that she's not exceeding in was health and fitness. They seem to think that she hasn't bounced back completely since she was in the hospital. She seems to wear out really easy now and still complains of headaches. Hopefully she will be completely back to her old self physically soon. Cole is really doing great in reading and writing in particular. I spend alot of time with them throughout the week working on homework, workbooks, etc and the extra effort really shows. I will "homeschool" (in a very loose sense of the word) again this summer to keep them sharp for the next school year.

We had a bit of good news this week. I called Sacred Heart hospital on Wednesday night regarding our portion of Gracie's hospital bill. They had told me a month ago that if I paid it in full by today (3/27), I would get a 10% prompt payment discount. Her total bill was roughly around $25k-30k, and we have a max. out of pocket of $2600.00. So, potentially we could save $260 just by paying a bill that we would have to pay anyway. So, we socked away the money from our tax return and earmarked it for this purpose. HOWEVER....when I told the representative from Sacred Heart that I wanted to pay my bill over the phone, she said "you show a balance of zero". HUH? Apparently, our insurance picked up the entire thing. The kids are double covered, but we were under the impression that we would still have to pay the max. out of pocket of $2600.00. Needless to say, this was a pleasant surprise. I'm still a bit skeptical, so I've put the money back in savings in case it ends up being too good to be true. If not, we will finally be able to build a new fence in our backyard to keep our nosy neighbors away....errr...I mean to get a little privacy.

Yesterday miss Gracie got a fancy new "do"!! After almost a year of painstakingly waiting for her hair to finally get long, she opted to chop it off!! Here's a picture of my little sweetheart:

While we were at it, I decided it was time for me to do something with my neglected head of hair as well:

Obviously you can't see the back but its cut really high and then tapers down...super cute! I love it!

I've been a very good girl and have been really consistent with getting to the gym in the early mornings before work....4 days this week! Today I went a bit later due to the fact that Paco had to work at 5am and I had to get the kids off to school, so I went after I dropped them off. I spent 45 minutes on the treadmill and 15 on the elliptical machine and VOILA....I burned off 680 nasty calories and left feeling great. (Although right now my legs are very angry with me).

Time to get off the computer and hang out with my little darlings. We've got family coming into town tomorrow for 4 days. The kids are so excited to see Aunt Rose and cousin Sydney...we've got all sorts of fun in store for them. Of course, I'll take pictures!

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