Sunday, December 19, 2010

Check out these adorable Sutton family photos...taken at the annual Christmas party at the Stern's home. Their house is I always try to take our family photos there.

My beautiful little girl. Obviously, we all can see where she gets her striking good looks.

 Helloooooo, handsome!
 Our little family
 Melanie, me, Megan and Gracie. I LOVE this picture because Meg and Mel have always been such an important part of my life!
 Gracie and Wilhelm...she loved holding him!
 Getting my baby fix!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

*bed at 11:15, alarm at 4am.
*one load of laundry this morning, a few papers sorted
* this afternoon's"To Do" list made and a busy workday ahead
*working on my second cup of peppermint coffee
*reading my devotional, watching the Christmas tree lights
*Cole sleeping snuggled up with both dogs
*Gracie, who yet again has managed to sneak her way into Mom and Dad's bed for the night
*she's having another "snore-off" with her Daddy
*this morning, she wins

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ahhhh, my Christmas shopping is DONE! I'm still waiting for a few things from Amazon....oh how I love online Christmas shopping! I already have most of the gifts wrapped and under the tree, just have to address and mail the Christmas cards tonight and then I can call it good. I kept things within a reasonable budget this feels good to know my kids won't get buried in "stuff", and lose sight of the real reason of Christmas.

Gearing up for a busy day today. We're moving the bulk of my mom's stuff into storage, and then she will move in with us for a few months until she can get to feeling better and start a new chapter in her life. I am so hopeful that staying here for a bit will help turn her health (and life!) around.

 Afterwards, the kids and I are off to a birthday party and some laser tag! Tomorrow, the kids and I are going to Polka Dot Pottery to paint our Christmas ornaments, and to enjoy some family down-time. It's one of my favorite things to do. We have done this with the kids since the years they were born. The first few years, we just had their handprints put on the ornaments, and then when they got older they got to paint their own. My hope is that sometime in the future (weddings, first Christmas in their own place, etc), I will be able to take all of their ornaments and give them to the kids for their own trees. That is, IF I can part with them...sniff. Here are a few from over the years. The top two are from the years they were born...aren't they SO sweet?
Here is Gracie last Christmas with her ornament....she always does such a nice job and spends lots of time getting it "just right"...
Paco's sister took Gracie to Polka Dot Pottery and helped her create this beautiful Christmas plate to give me for my birthday! Isn't it wonderful? I love it!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I know that this has been around for a few years, but my kids LOVE watching it!


These days, I am just feeling so grateful that nothing horrible has happened to our family, as it seems to be happening to everyone around us. Numerous broken bones, job losses, cancer, deaths. Heartbreaking at any time, but especially around this time of year. I think of my friends and family and hope I am doing enough for them, when I know I'm probably not. I miss the carefree days of childhood when you don't feel other's pain as much. Now, with family and friends, it's all so vivid and I want nothing more than to have the time, energy and money to do everything I can for them. Instead, the best I can do is try and be a better friend, sister, daughter, wife and mother.

The last few years, I will admit that I've been less than enthused with my career. Not because I work for a bad company, I have just felt so...unfulfilled. I've been at the same location for 15 years, and have always been thankful for my job. The past few years I have had an amazing mentor who I loved working for. This week that all changed and everything was turned upside down. Shortly before this, I was approached about a possible transfer to a location closer to home. I declined, because I really enjoyed working for my boss, and really felt a loyalty towards him. After the "shake-up", I was approached again, and accepted the position.

Now, usually I am the type of person who constantly second-guesses my decisions. I've just always been that way. This time, it felt right and I haven't really had any second thoughts that this is the direction God is leading me in. I really feel everything happens for a reason and God's timing is perfect for me. I'm starting to feel excited about my job again, and I'm hopeful that my move will make room for others to have their chances for change.

Hoping everyone is well and enjoying this season. Remember to count your blessings and be thankful for those that are dearest to you!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wow, we have had a BUSY month! Lots has happened and I'm hoping to catch this blog up this evening. Until then, here is a photo of the kiddos...they're getting sooooo big!