Monday, March 29, 2010


Hi friends! All is well on the weight-loss front, although I can't believe how much slower it is going now. I am 2 pounds away from the 55 pound mark. Perhaps I would already be there had I not overindulged at a friends' wedding over this past weekend! (1 glass of wine, 3 lemon drop martinis and 2 mimosas, not to mention wedding cake!). Know what? I don't regret it at all! If I can't have days like that here and there, life would be no fun at all.

A few non-scale victories to share: I am now wearing a pant size that I haven't worn since high school....about 18 years ago! Also, I bought the cutest little black sweater in the regular ladies department that was a size XL, and I LOVE IT!

And while I'm at it, yesterday at the gym I ran for a total of 15 minutes. This is HUGE for me!! I was doing 1 minute intervals: walk as fast as I could for a minute, than run for a minute. I usually only do 10 minutes, but felt like I could keep going, so I did. So proud of that!

When I get discouraged about the slow weight loss, I remind myself of all the compliments I get on a daily basis about how I'm doing. It's such a motivator and keeps me going. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of myself, and I feel AMAZING! I am so glad I finally started putting my health first. I feel like a million bucks since turning to a vegetarian lifestyle, and more often than that, if I do have a day where I "binge", it's usually on something that's actually relatively healthy, but I just ate too much of it. I'm ok with that once in awhile.

I have thought alot lately about regrets and things I wish I would have done earlier in life but never did. Obviously, I can't go back for a re-do, but I am doing what I can about it now. I'm trying to look at these feelings in a positive light and use them as lessons for my children's lives. Hopefully they can learn from my mistakes, and I won't feel as discouraged about it. Maybe that is part of God's big plan for me.

Well that took a weird turn, didn't it? It's early and I haven't had all my coffee. HA! Later today I will be sharing a new recipe we tried last night : Tortilla crusted goat cheese and asparagus quiche!! SO good and only 5 points per serving. YUM!

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