I've found one of the biggest motivators for me regarding weight loss is making myself accountable....to more than just myself. The biggest loser competition at work keeps me motivated, because I know we're all keeping an eye on each other. Also, I have stopped hiding behind my weight, and started being honest about it. It is what it is....and there's no changing it. Honestly, I don't think I'd want to change it now, because it is a big part of becoming the new
me, and I'm loving that. Am I proud that at one time I weighed 285 lbs? Of course not. Will I ever weigh that again? No way! I AM, however, awfully darn proud of being nearly 45 pounds away from that weight now. Keeping myself
out there in front of everyone keeps me honest and real. Not making myself accountable would just set me up for failure.
So, if you're interested, I will be weighing in weekly and posting my progress on the sidebar of this blog. I've also joined
scale junkie's healthy you challenge and will be posting for that as well.
Remember, the only person that can change you, is YOU!
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