Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Sick and Tired. Literally. I was up half the night coughing, and then finally fell back asleep sitting up against the wall. Today the coughing continues, my stomach muscles ache, and my back is bothering me again. I still look like I have pink eye (I don't), my eyes are bloodshot from the sinus infection. Oh yeah, and then there's the 100 degree temp. Joy!

The good news is I shouldn't be contagious after having been on the antibiotics for 24 hours. This is especially good news for my girlfriend Jenni who visited me at work today, and who I hugged and probably breathed all over. Sigh. She had the prettiest pink coat on today. That girl knows how to dress.


Tonight, I will go to bed ready and armed! Here is my latest defense against evil....I like to call it my get-well-soon-combo. I know, not really that clever.

If you want the really gross details....the neosporin is for my nose which is so sore from all the nose blowing! Why yes, it IS attractive after applied. The eye drops are a desperate attempt to look like I haven't been out all night drinking, and the fisherman's friend cough drops taste like crap but actually work.
I'm really looking forward to my bedtime nyquil cocktail...and to think that I thought lemondrop martinis were good! I have had the pleasure of an entire bed to myself....due to the fact that Paco will have nothing to do with me right now. Apparently the heaping pile of used tissues on my nightstand and a wife slathered in vaporub is a turnoff.
Good to know.
At least all this sick business gives me something interesting to blog about....

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