Saturday, November 14, 2009


Why, why, why do I feel compelled to keep SO MANY magazines around? I get so excited when they come in the mail, and then they sit, sit, sit waiting for me to get around to them. Why do I think I will have time to lounge around in my cozy p.j's catching up on recipes, child rearing, financial advice, tips on clearing out clutter (a.k.a piles of magazines), and the really important stuff like whether or not Brad and Angelina will have even MORE babies.

I guess its because I keep thinking..."Oh, I totally will read this at work, at the gym, in the bathroom, at the Dr.'s office, while the kids do homework, or in the car at stoplights!". Maybe I'll read it when I catch up on 6 years of scrapbooking my children's lives, finish my unfinished knitting projects, paint my kitchen, read nutrition books, organize closets, rake leaves, etc.

So, this past evening, I bit the bullet and bundled up 147 magazines. Yep, I counted. Impressive number wouldn't you say? No, I'm not giving up my subscriptions, I'm just releasing myself from the "I have to finish reading that" pressure. I love my Oprah magazine. Rachael Ray. Country living. Redbook. Family handyman. (ok, that's Paco's) The Cosmo mags and Entertainment weekly my Mom gives me. I just can't give 'em up!!

And, Im not giving them ALL up, I'm taking some of them to work with me, because, of course, I will read them during lunch....on my breaks...during meetings...

1 comment:

  1. Holy moly that's a lot of magazines! I can't wait! lol
