Monday, July 6, 2009


Ugh, I'm moving slow this morning, which isn't good because I've got a Ga-Zillion (that's for you, Amanda) things to do today. I woke up feeling like an old lady...aches, pains and a zinger of a headache. Interestingly enough, I dreamt all night that I was hanging out with "Sawyer", from Lost. And that's all I'm telling you. And I'm not telling my husband. We had a wild rain and thunderstorm overnight, and we wound up with 2 extra people in our bed last night. (Sawyer was NOT one of them. Okay, bad joke).

The weather doesn't look too promising for sending the kids out to the pool today. It figures, as soon as I get the pool up and running, the weather cools off. We have a hectic week ahead. My Mom is having surgery tomorrow, and I will be spending the day at the hospital with the kids. Pray for me. haha. Aside from that, its inventory week at work, which is always tons, and tons of fun. Today I'm going to try and wrap up all my loose ends, bills, errands, housework, etc.

Wow, exciting post, huh? I've still got the headache...Sawyer kept me up too late.

1 comment:

  1. lol, thanks for that. As for Sawyer, what would Jack say?
