Sunday, July 5, 2009


So, we've had one of those above ground pools with an inflatable ring at the top for about 6 years. I've spent many hours over those years patching, inflating, patching, inflating, and yes, patching and inflating. Our pump went out after the first year. The second year, I screwed up the shaping of the solar cover when I was cutting it. The list does indeed go on. So, last year when we took it down, we were determined that this would be the summer that we upgraded to one with hard sides and nothing that would require the air compressor. When we were taking it down last fall, I was especially bitter, angry and disgusted tired of dealing with the darn thing so we tossed it in the back of our trailer and it sat there all winter.

Fast forward to this summer. Turns out this isn't really the time to be spending money frivolously so we decided not to get a new pool this year. So, yesterday I grudgingly pulled my old friend out of the trailer, cleaned it up as best I could and set out to make it work. Long story short, I patched, inflated, patched and inflated much of my day away. Then, I couldn't find the hoses to the pump. Finally, after my darling husband got home he got the hoses out and we worked on getting the pump going. Did I mention that last year he hit the on/off pump switch with the weed eater so we can't turn the pump off? Finally we got the pump working, and finished filling the pool. Mission accomplished. Next, I lovingly said to my husband, "Honey, can you just get the ladder down from the garage rafters?". Insert blank stare here. Apparently we gave our ladder away last year, thinking we wouldn't need it again because it wouldn't fit the new pool we thought we were getting. Oh yeah, we also tossed the solar cover. Ahhhh, the irony.

So, for today, I put together a makeshift ladder system so the kids could get in and out, until I can get to the pool place tomorrow for a new ladder. See how classy it looks?
After all is said and done, the pool is up, full, inflated (for now), and all is well. However, at a chilly 69 degrees you won't see me in it anytime soon. I am grateful to have it though, as my children will spend their entire summer playing their days away, and I love that!

1 comment:

  1. I just happen to have an extra pool ladder new in the box if you want it! Let me know if you want it- Amy
