Saturday, April 18, 2009


Today, after Cole's soccer game, my sister in law Lesley was suckered into offered to take the kids for a few hours. Of course, I put up a good fight and then humbly agreed. What did I do with my newfound freedom you may wonder? Well, I got caught up on LOST, poked around on my blog, and surfed the net. Unlike usual, I did very little that was productive!! I LOVE free time!

Unfortunately, from the looks of things, they had a miserable time being away from me.

They really do look SO unhappy and homesick. Bless their little hearts for putting on brave faces for the camera.
How DID they survive without their Mama hovering over them?
Did I mention they were forced to enjoy pizza and ice cream too? Okay, Okay, maybe they kinda sorta had fun. I practically had to beg them to come home with me (as is usually the case when they are with Bubba and Jeremy). How quickly all the sacrifices of a Mother are forgotten.....

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