Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So, apparently my daily "miracle cocktail" of olive leaf pills and orange juice mixed with emergen-c is not failproof. Yes, I've got something icky. Just a sore throat and gross nose stuff combo, but that's enough for me. I did manage to get in a great workout this morning, logging in a couple miles on the treadmill and burning a decent 430 calories! Sweet! Remember Mr. Annoying Guy from yesterday's "Not Me! Monday" entry? Yeahhhhh, he didn't pick the treadmill next to me this time. Weird?! Was it something I didn't say?

I promised the kids we'd go swimming tonight but what I really want to do is crawl into bed! Maybe I'll take tomorrow off from the gym and give myself an extra hour of sleep. We've got primo tickets to the Spokane Shock game tomorrow night (can you say Budweiser suite? go ahead, say it, doesn't it sound impressive?) so it will be a long day. A huge thanks to Bubba and Jeremy who are entertaining the little Suttons while we go!

Well, time to muster up some energy and find my second wind...

1 comment:

  1. I say take some time to recover, then hit the gym. Hope you feel better soon and be sure to let me know if you need anything!

    Jer and I enjoy the kids and are looking forward to it.
