Saturday, May 8, 2010

Still a big loser.

Yesterday at the final weigh-in I weighed in with the highest percentage of weight loss during our 3 month contest! I won another $200.00 (I won $350 last time, but we had less people participate this go around) and will use it to buy clothes!! I'm feeling good about that...but even better about being over halfway to my goal, and feeling amazing!
The funny thing is....weight loss can be an uncomfortable situation. Frankly, while I'm proud of how much I have lost, I'm also a little embarassed at how heavy I let myself get. By the time I reach my goal weight, I will have lost 120 lbs, or a whopping 45% of weight loss. Nearly half of me will be gone. That's a person. What brought me to that point of not respecting myself enough to take care of myself? I don't know. I don't really even know what it was that finally clicked and started this change in me. Maybe this is all part of the journey God has mapped out for me. Maybe it was the fact that my husband has always been so supportive and loves me just the way I am, no matter what.

I know I've talked about this before, but one of the most rewarding parts of this journey is the impact it has on others, especially my children. Cole loves to come up and hug me and make a big deal about how easily he can wrap his arms all the way around me. He's so supportive and is always calling me "skinny girl". He tells everyone how much weight I've lost. Both of the kids have really soaked up this new lifestyle of healthy and nutritious eating. Sure, they have their share of popsicles and occassional drive-thru...but they know that these kinds of foods are okay once in awhile, and they're not the norm. They see me getting out to excercise and keeping active. I am laying the foundation for what will hopefully be healthy and fit living for the rest of their lives.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not preaching about being perfect. For example, last night I met a couple girflriends for dinner and proceeded to down 2 dacquiris and a veggie patch personal pizza that had way too much cheese.

Yes, I know that celebrating a weight-loss victory with food is counteractive, but I'm not planning on spending the rest of my life denying myself of everything. I don't regret it this morning (ok, well maybe except for the headache), and I'm so much less likely to make bad choices when I know I can have some fun once in awhile.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend...keep your eye out for tomorrow's post in which I consider making a scary life changing decision!

(no, it doesn't involve giving up sunchips. The horror.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Denise! You sure are inspiring! I have about 15-20 pounds to reach my goal. I really connected to what you said in your post about husband accepting you for who you are no matter what weight, the effect it has on your children and how it's okay to have treats every once in a while. YOU ARE AMAZING and I admire you A WHOLE LOT!
    love angela :)
