Friday, February 19, 2010


I've been thinking lately about all the things I can't wait to do as I continue (even though I'm STILL stuck) this journey. I've realized that I've cheated myself out of alot of things for a long time. Things I've always wanted to do but felt were out of reach. Now, I'm starting to get excited about all the things I want to do, and thinking up even bigger things! Here's the rundown so far, in really no particular order:
  • kayaking
  • white water rafting
  • downhill skiing/snowboarding
  • rock climbing
  • bungee jumping
  • run a 5k (for starters!)
  • go to a theme park and ride every roller coaster, without having to squeeze myself in the seat!
  • wear cute little sundresses
  • never buy another plus size piece of clothing again. EVER.
  • go back to school and study to be a nutritionist or personal trainer? Maybe!
  • more to come!! I just have to think them up. HA!
I also told Paco that I'd love to go on a Caribbean cruise when I hit my goal weight. What a great way to celebrate, dontcha think?

1 comment:

  1. That's an exciting list. I'm sure you'll find a way to do most of it too.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
