Thursday, October 15, 2009


Last Saturday Paco and Cole spent the day at Diamond Lake for Boy Scout Trailblazer days. They had a blast taking part in archery, wildlife demonstrations, shooting a bb gun, fishing and so on. Cole even had a perfect bullseye TWICE when shooting a bb gun for the first time ever. He was SO proud of himself! He earned a marksmanship badge for his cub scout uniform. I was so proud and excited for him. I wasn't QUITE as excited about the face paint the Air Force survival school put on his face...that took DAYS to get off. Seriously, the next morning at church, I was just certain someone was going to accuse us of abuse! Half the paint was still on and the rest of his face was red from me scrubbing it! HA! Oh well, he loved it and that's what counts.

Trailblazer days was a great bonding experience for Paco and Cole, and they have both formed some new friendships with other Scouts and Dads in our pack. It's been such a great experience for them. Cole wears his uniform with pride and is so proud of all his patches that he's earned so far. He is wrapping up his popcorn sales, and has sold over $1500.00 in Scout popcorn! He's also raised over $100.00 in donations for our troops. Go Cole! He's already earned his way to camp next summer and will be getting some SWEET prizes! Thanks to everyone who has supported him!

While Dad and Son were out bonding, the Sutton girls were doing some bonding of our own. We started out the day with a little retail therapy, buying new shoes and makeup. After that we went out for lunch, coffee, and then off to meet friends at Polka Dot Pottery for an afternoon of painting!!!

In other news, here is an adorable picture of my favorite Daisy Girl Scout...

Her troop will be earning their daisy center and petals together, working on different life principles, etc. Right now they are working on courage. She has to learn the Girl Scout promise to get the center of her daisy. We are so grateful to Grammy (Paco's Mom), for taking on the job of official patch sewer for both Cole and Gracie's scout uniforms! Thank you, Thank you! Notice how she put Gracie's patches on in the shape of a flower? Cute!
Have fun, Gracie!

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