Tuesday, October 6, 2009


That pretty much sums up the last few weeks of my life. Busy. Crazy, crazy busy. Let's do a quick rundown....ballet classes, soccer practices, soccer games, cub scouts, daisy scouts, school curriculum nights, meetings/trade show for work, inventory at work which involved a marathon weekend of working, cub scout popcorn sales, the kids' school fund run, school carnival, and on and on AND ON it goes.

Here's a few items of interest. If you ARE interested, I mean. This more than likely means family members. HA!
Gracie is LOVING her ballet classes. Not much more to elaborate on with that. She also had her first Daisy Scout meeting, and I can tell we are going to really enjoy that as well. On an exciting note, I got a letter from her teacher the other day saying that she is having an excellent start to the school year, is independent and a strong leader. She has chosen Grace to be the ASB representative from her class. Exciting stuff! I tried to talk with Grace about this, but she was more interested in where I got my piece of gum, and if there was more. Kids will be kids.

Cole's big thing right now is Cub Scouts. Oh...boy!! He does love it! He and Daddy have been busy selling Scout popcorn. There will be another blog post on that.

We went to the school carnival last Friday...fun times! They won lots of prizes....
had their faces painted....jumped/slid on the inflatables....and were unsuccessful in taking ALL of Mom's money for tickets....sorry Gracie, you're broke!
That same day, they had their school Fund Run. They are trying to earn money for new playground equipment! Paco went over to the school to take a few pictures...

TOLD YA we've been busy!

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