Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I'm suddenly finding myself turning into a bookworm. Lately, I've been keeping to magazines because life has been crazy busy and I can feel like I'm accomplishing something, literary-wise. The other day I picked up a used copy of Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones. It was fantastic. I literally could not put it down...which is unlike me. Usually it takes me awhile to get through a book, I just read a bit at a time. This one held me captive, stole hours of precious sleep, and made me late coming back from lunch at work. I trust you not to tell.
Now, after being dissapointed at the library when I couldn't find one of two books on my "must-read" list, I explored my own book collection, and found She's come undone, by Wally Lamb. I've had this book for years, but just never got to it. Now's the time.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been a bookworm in a long time either. Having kids is a huge distraction. But this summer I have read like 5 books. And I am so grateful that I starting reading Twilight! I will have to read your suggestion!
