Saturday, May 16, 2009


Just when I thought I was getting over my nasty bronchial cold, it has again reared its ugly head. I feel miserable. Yesterday was a tough day at work, all I wanted to do is lie down and rest. Paco was so sweet to me when he got home yesterday, he got the kids ready for bed and tucked them in and I took a hot bath. Afterwards I climbed into bed with my book and didn't even get through 2 pages. If I'm not improving by tomorrow I will head to the doctor. Im going into work this morning for a few hours to make up for leaving early on Wednesday to take care of Cole. (His pinkeye is all cleared up by the way. YES! Glad to see THAT gone). After that it is Cole's soccer game and then home for lunch and maybe a little catnap. I had a terrible night, I must have been up once an hour.

Better get in the shower! Oh yeah, its supposed to be GORGEOUS this weekend! Might by time to get those tomatoes planted!

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