Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So, according to my poll...some of you (ok, MOST of you) were thinking I needed a background change. Given that this is an earth shattering, monumentously important thing, I decided to get right on it. Hope you like it!

I've been hoping, wishing, and WILLING the phone to ring to hear that soccer practice would be cancelled tonight. Its really cold and windier than heck. Alas, no such luck. Guess I better bundle up and show up with an irritated, grumpy, "Why the hell are we having practice" a cheerful smile and wonderful attitude.

I'll let you know how that goes.

After getting Cole in his soccer clothes, packing coats, hats, gloves, water bottles, and driving to practice, it turns out the coach cancelled practice when he got there. SO, all of that effort wasted! Oh well, at least we aren't sitting outside right now!


  1. Love the new look...btw I was one of the ones who said you didn't have to change it, but the new look is nice!
