Monday, April 13, 2009


I am so crabby today. I am irritable, feel gross and am just pretty much bitchy all the way around. I've had a long stretch without a day off, have been bringing home work with me as well, and still have 3 more days before a reprieve. I've got piles of laundry, which, usually when I'm only working a normal work week I'm always able to keep up on daily. My floors need cleaning, furniture needs dusting, bills need paying, blah blah blah. I hate having an old house. No matter how clean it is, it still looks old and beat up. The day we move out of this house won't come soon enough for me.

Kids have homework, soccer practice has been upped to 2 days a week, the yard's a mess and I am only one person. School class pictures, soccer pictures, dr.'s appointments. Yes, I am bitchy. I haven't been able to get to the gym in several days due to work and/or I have the kids, and I know that is contributing to my crabbiness. I need to burn off the stress. Paco and I are rarely home together anymore, and we are both frustrated to the hilt with our jobs. So, yes, I am still even more bitchy. I am tired of being two working parents who feel like they are doing it alone.

My refrigerator needs serious attention, as does my basement. I have oodles of half-completed projects around my house. I have a slab of red paint on the wall in my kitchen that I was "testing out" 2 years ago. It's still there. I am irritated because there is still a big pile of hair on my bathroom floor from where my husband cut my sons hair exactly one week ago. I am years (and years) behind on the kids' scrapbooks. I am tired of being responsible. I am seriously tired of having pets. I am tired of the neighbor kids hovering at our fenceline asking to be invited in.

I am tired of the bizarre weather. It's sunshine-y and hailing right now. I want warmth. I am tired of the crappy stock market. Im tired of the 1-800 phone calls every night. (apparently they found a way around the do-not-call-list). I am tired of the extremely annoying salesman that I deal with at work. I'm sick of being expected to accomplish the impossible. I'm tired of the stress of being a working mother, and the endless list of crap that has to be done every day after work just to keep the house and family routine running.

Yes, I know I have many, many blessings to be thankful for, and, more likely than not, tomorrow will be a better day. I recognize the irony of this post compared to my happy, feel good Easter post from yesterday. How quickly things change. But for tonight, I remain bitchy. Because I am tired.


  1. Yep, that sounds like a no-good day in which we all get to experience sometimes. I will share what I have learned to do in those moments...First, I pray (and it's a very honest, simple prayer that goes something like "Lord, please help me change my attitude.") Secondyly, I put on the garment of praise (I put on worship music and listen at first (cuz I don't feel like singing it) and then eventually I feel like singing..and then eventually I feel better. Then I start listing (outloud) the things I know I'm grateful for...they start off with things like a roof over my head, food to eat, etc. Then, I feel my heart soften and the "evil" lifts. I bow my head in prayer again...this time I mean it when I say thank you Lord for helping me with my attitude.

    And practice makes perfect...
