Monday, April 27, 2009

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY (and losing it?)

Okay, so I'm not really losing it...but felt like I might last week. I was swamped at work, and was getting ready for some fabulous company that came for the weekend. Who could be so fabulous? My adorable sister Kelly from Virginia and her boyfriend Brian (equally adorable). We had a terrific weekend of just hanging out and relaxing. Three bottles of wine A little wine, coffee (several pots) great food and lots of time playing the wii. A great deal of the coffee came the morning after all the wine. UGH. Seriously. I have never played the wii as much as we did this weekend. I may add that I am currently the reigning champion at super hula hoop. Who knew I had such rhythm? We also threw in some yoga and time playing at the park. Oh yes, and Cole's soccer game as well!

Cole and Brian spent a good deal of time playing legos, and Gracie just loved hanging out with the girls. We are sad that they had to leave this morning, but I am still hoping to go to Virginia this fall to visit. So, we will cherish the time we had together and the chance to meet Brian, who truly is such a wonderful person. We think he's a keeper! Here's a great one of Kelly and Gracie on the swings...and another....
Gracie and I swingin...
Kelly, Brian, and I....(photo taken by Gracie, I might add)

On to other, less fabulous things. Yesterday, somebody wiped out our entire checking account. Yep, took every penny. After lots of investigating and talking to someone at Numerica, it looks like some piece of crap weasel...AHEM... really needy person in Peru helped himself to our dough. $1000.00 worth. The good news is, our bank took care of it all today and life is good again. But really, how maddening. Now, back to fabulous stuff.

Little Miss Fabulous herself, Gracie, brought home her very first spelling test today. Allow me to brag for a moment about her 100%!!! I am so darn proud of her! We SHE worked very hard on practicing last week. Cole also aced his test as well. Turns out they got more than just my striking looks. Check this out!

Did I mention that Cole scored a goal at his game on Saturday? His second one EVER! It was exciting that it was when there was family there to see him, since last season when he scored his FIRST goal ever, I was the only one there to see it! He is really improving so much and is gaining confidence!

Now that life has quieted down a bit, I will be back to my usual blogging behaviors. That's the best news you've had all day, isn't it?

I thought so.

1 comment:

  1. it's wonderful how the kids are growing up and just shining!

    How horrible that your account got broke into..I can certainly relate to that..I had a whole book of checks stolen. It is a good thing that the banks take care of stuff like that..

    And congrats on being miss Super Hula!! I don't normally have enough balance to go for on the Super Hula..only the regular hula..

    We really should get to together one of these days and do a Wii a thon!
