Saturday, March 7, 2009


Friends, these aren't just ANY ole' bagels...I made (with Gracie's help) homemade cheddar bacon bagels!! I used my bread machine to mix the dough, and did the rest of the work myself. I had no idea how time consuming it would be....this was an all afternoon/evening project! The time and energy was definately worth it though,take a look at these beauties!
Thats cheddar cheese, sesame seeds and poppyseeds on the top, with bacon and cheddar cheese inside. These are delish! Although, I really am anxious for the second batch to come out of the oven so I can go to freakin' bed already! I've been working on these for hours! Gracie was my fabulous little helper...she helped knead the dough and shape it. Cole helped by twirling the dough on the end of a wooden spoon (to form the hole and overall shape), and then also by dropping an 18 pack of eggs on the floor. Luckily I only lost 17 of them.

You may wonder if I feel silly posting an entire blog (not to mention a picture, for crying out loud) about nothing but bagels. Hmmmm..common sense tells me I should, but, NOPE!


  1. OMG!!! Will you share? They look so yummy!

  2. I'm salivating over here...ok...tell you what...forget the cheese bread I've already ordered...and let me have a taste of those bagels (without the sesame/poppy seed of course...only because I'm allergic). Seriously, I will PAY for the ingredients, your time, etc....PRETTY PLEASE!!!!???
