Since it's been a long day, I won't elaborate on all that now. We've also been remodeling our basement, and I'm happy to say it's looking fantastic, and we are already getting lots of good use out of it. Tonight, I am sitting next to Cole on the loveseat while the family watches "River Monsters". Interesting show.
My weight loss journey has been....stagnant. Actually, I've gained 15 pounds back since January. Sigh. I just can't seem to get back in my groove. Frustrating, since I still have about 60 pounds left to go. I'm still following a vegetarian diet...with the occassional chicken or fish.
I planted my flowers and garden last weekend!! We have had such a wet Spring that I was beginning to think I'd never get my planting done. I was able to use my compost from last year in my garden...whoohoo!!
We had a busy year with Cub Scouts...Cole finished his second year and will be a first year Webelo next year. Paco will also be taking over as Cubmaster of our pack. I know he will do a great job, and will need alot of help! We are excited for family camp in a few weeks, it's always our favorite event of the year.
That's it for tonight's update...I'm hoping to get back to semi-regular blogging ...I've got lots to say, even if there's no one around to read it :)